Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Grants
A $90,000 grant from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for the Crisfield Depot Piers and Walkways will serve to repair the damaged southeast pier of the City Dock. The City has also been approved for an additional $160,000 to supplement the original funding to ensure the major structural repairs needed to this part of the dock can be completed. The engineering firm of Davis, Bowen and Friedel has completed 95% design revisions to ensure that the new pier matches the design area of the entire pier as well as the increase in pier elevation needed for resiliency and to align with the proposed City Dock Congressionally Directed Spending (earmark) project. The design has been submitted for permitting review.
The City Dock improvements required total $2.7 million. $2,253,532 has been applied for or secured, including $2,003,532 in the House Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (THUD) Appropriations Committee Subcommittee Bill by Congressman Harris and $250,000 funded for improvements to the southeast dock through the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Waterway Improvement grant. The City will be applying for an additional $250,000 through this funding source for improvements to the northwest pier and will identify a funding source to improve the central pier which extends from the west of the dock.